Allure: “Stand 2018” A Photography Series by Maggie West for Planned Parenthood — featuring portraits of Madame Gandhi and other creatives

By Marci Robin for Allure

It’s always a good time to show your support for Planned Parenthood and all that it does on both the national and local levels to meet the health and sex-education needs of millions of people. On November 20, however, those who will be in the Los Angeles area will have a special opportunity to not only help raise money for this essential organization but also enjoy the incredible work of photographer Maggie West. She’ll be presenting portraits from her “Stand 2018” series at an event to benefit Planned Parenthood Los Angeles.

West tells Allure, “I took portraits of L.A.-based creatives, including models, musicians, actors, and all kinds of cool people who stand with and support Planned Parenthood.” She continues, “Those portraits are going to be unveiled in a giant installation, and 100 percent of our proceeds from the ticket sales at the door are going directly to Planned Parenthood Los Angeles.”

Among those photographed for the series are familiar faces like Brooklyn 99‘s Stephanie Beatriz and Riverdale‘s Hayley Law, as well as some of West’s own friends. You’ll notice the series features a diverse group of folks, as West wanted to make sure the portraits represented those who benefit from the services offered by Planned Parenthood, and the organization serves plenty of people other than cisgender women.

“One of the things that was really important to me about the diversity of the casting is that I wanted to show that Planned Parenthood as an organization has a lot of broad support and isn’t just for cisgender women,” West tells Allure. “I just wanted to show that this is an organization that a lot of people support — and should.”

The colorful yet moody portraits are immediately identifiable as West’s work, which has garnered quite a following through her books, art exhibits, and Instagram, where she has shared some of the portraits that will be seen on Tuesday. She calls the installation a “massive lantern thing, which I’m making by hand,” which sounds like it’s a must-see for those in the area. “I really love the idea of essentially painting with light because it allows me to essentially recolor reality however I see fit,” says West.

See some of the stunning “Stand 2018” portraits below and read what the participants have to say about what Planned Parenthood means to them.

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Stephanie Beatriz

“Planned Parenthood provides compassionate care,” says Beatriz in a statement. “In an incredibly scary time, in a volatile and uncertain world, I support a place human beings can go and get the care they need. Everyone deserves to have access to sexual education and reproductive health.”

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Gaby Dunn

“Planned Parenthood provides healthcare. Full stop,” Gaby Dunn tells Allure. “There is no reason not to support the wellness of a certain subset of people unless you hate those people.”

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Allison Raskin

“Planned Parenthood continues to come through when our government fails us,” Alison Raskin said in a statement. “We should all be grateful for this incredible organization.”

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series


Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Amanda Steele

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Sami Miro

“Planned Parenthood is truly benevolent,” says Sami Miro in a press release about the organization. “They support women through medical council in the most confidential and caring fashion. From a young lady going through puberty, to and older women in need of a checkup, Planned Parenthood is there for everyone regardless of income. There is nothing else like this organization and it should be praised by everyone.”

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Sandra Song

“Planned Parenthood was always there for me when no one else was,” Sandra Song tells Allure. “As our current administration continues to impinge upon our rights, it’s more important than ever to prioritize donating what we can to keep this essential organization running.”

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Hayley Law

“They are our bodies. It is our right to decide,” says Hayley Law in a statement about Planned Parenthood. “To me, this right is non-negotiable and I’ll stand with Planned Parenthood and keep fighting until it’s met.”

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Jazzmyne Robbins

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Ari Fitz

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series

Kellee Moran

Maggie West Stand 2018 Planned Parenthood portrait series